Books Biology Department's Academic staff has written, contributed, edited, or translated.
*In the order of date published, from newest to oldest
** Our contributing academic staff are highlighted in bold cases
![]() ISBN: 978-625-6762-17-6 1st issue, March 2024, 543 pages İstanbul Kültür ve Sanat Ürünleri Ticaret A.Ş. Chapter authors; Figen Esin Kayhan, Yavuz Turan Istanbul's Fauna: Wild Istanbul, which deals with the wildlife in Istanbul's diverse ecosystems in detail, was prepared using a wide range of sources, from archaeological findings to observations of foreign travelers.
![]() Editor: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Taşkın ISBN: 978-625-401-805-3 E-ISBN: 978-625-401-728-5 1st Issue, June 2022 CHAPTER: Personalized Metabolic Surgery Applications and Genetic Tests, Belgin Süsleyici Türkiye Klinikleri, 2022 Personalized Genomic Medicine and Surgery (PGMS) is a novel approach increasingly used for tailoring patient treatments based on their genetic information. Since a patient's genotype can provide crucial insights into susceptibility to diseases and the effectiveness of treatment, PGMS guides individualized imaging and treatments. PGMS not only identifies more specific treatments based on genomic profiling but also eliminates drug treatments that may be ineffective or lead to unwanted side effects.. |
![]() Editors: Ahmet Asan, Faruk Selçuk, Mustafa Sevindik, Gülay Giray ISBN: 978-625-427-240-0 E-ISBN: 978-625-427-238-7 1. Issue, October 2022 Chapter15 Lichens, Gülşah Çobanoğlu NOBEL AKADEMİK YAYINCILIK, 2022 Responses and Management present the latexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
![]() ISBN 978-0-12-818204-8 Editors: Durgesh Tripathi, Vijay Singh, Devendra Chauhan, Shivesh Sharma, Sheo Prasad, Nawal Kishore Dubey, Naleeni Ramawat Elsevier, 2020. Chapter 1: Abiotic Stress-Induced Programmed Cell Death in Plants (pages:1-24). Fatma Yanık, Aslıhan Çetinbaş-Genç and Filiz Vardar Responses and Management present the latest insight, reflecting the significant progress that has been made in understanding plant responses to various changing environmental impacts, as well as strategies for alleviating their adverse effects, including abiotic stresses. Growing from a focus on plants and their ability to respond, adapt and survive, Plant Life under Changing Environment: Responses and Management address options for mitigating those responses to ensure maximum health and growth. Researchers and advanced students in environmental sciences, plant ecophysiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, nano-pollution, climate change, and soil pollution will find this an important foundational resource. |
![]() ISBN 978-1-53617-265-2 Editors: Filiz Vardar, Yıldız Aydın, Ahu Altınkut-Uncuoğlu Nova Science Publishers, 2020. Chapter 12: Programmed Cell Death in Plant Reproductive Development Aslıhan Çetinbaş-Genç and Filiz Vardar (pages: 341-362) Chapter 14: The Effects of Putrescine Application against Aluminum Toxicity in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Roots (pages: 379-400) Özge Akgün, Aslıhan Çetinbaş-Genç, Fatma Yanık and Filiz Vardar This book compiles original and reviews advances from several different focuses and the latest developments in the important field of plant biology/science from around the world. The publication will be a beneficial and valuable resource for many people and groups related to plant growth and development as well as teachers, researchers, commercial growers, and advanced students of plant biological science. The proposed publication can be used in some interesting and unusual places such as biofuels, edible vaccines, phytoremediation, and cosmetics. |
![]() ISBN 978-1-53616-341-4 Editor: Keith H. Harmon Nova Science Publishers, 2019. Chapter 7: Determination of Aluminum-Induced Oxidative and Genotoxic Effects in Sunflower Leaves (pages: 143-170) Aslıhan Çetinbaş-Genç, Elif Kılıç-Çakmak, Fatma Yanık, Filiz Vardar, Ahu Altınkut-Uncuoğlu and Yıldız Aydın. A Closer Look at the Comet Assay opens with a discussion on the clinical applications of the comet assay. Comet assay is a rapid, simple method which able to assess DNA damage in different samples like blood, cells, and tissues. Following this, the authors examine comet assay usage in occupational toxicology studies. |
![]() ISBN 978-1-53614-639-4 Eds: Burcu Yüksel, Mustafa Sencer Karagül Nova Science Publishers, 2018. Chapter 10: Aluminum-Induced Toxicity and Programmed Cell Death in Plants (pages: 155-182) Filiz Vardar, Fatma Yanık, Aslıhan Çetinbaş-Genç and Gamze Kurtuluş Chapter 12: Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis for Determination of Plant Responses to Genotoxic Stress (pages: 203-222) Yıldız Aydın, Ahu Altınkut Uncuoğlu and Filiz Vardar Researchers and graduate students need to keep up with the advances in natural and health sciences that occur almost daily. This edited collection of state-of-the-art chapters will provide scientists, educators, and researchers in this vital field with the most recent developments and disseminate them globally. This book, organized into nine chapters, features scientists from around the globe contributing diverse topics in mostly natural, biological, and health sciences. The edited book aims at highlighting the state-of-the-art research and recent findings in agricultural, environmental, biological, marine, and medical sciences and biotechnology, and bridge theoretical research with current applications. This edited book will be of significant value to researchers, graduate students as well as practicing scientists working in these vibrant fields. |
ISBN numarası: 978-605-320-489-3
Çeviri Editörü: Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Aktümsek
Yayınevi ve yayın tarihi: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eylül 2016, 9.basımdan çeviri.
yayın no: 1582 Bölüm adı:10.Bölüm. Tribloblastik, Asölomat Vücut Planı. Doç. Dr. Figen Esin KAYHAN
Abstract: In this chapter, the evolutionary relationships and contrasts between the main phyla (Platyhelminthes) and other phyla are explained. In addition to morphological data, new animal phylogeny has been proposed using rRNA sequences supporting three important classes of animals with bilateral symmetry. |
![]() Plant-Microbe interactions in Phytoremediation (Pages 255-272) Ibrahim İlker Özyiğit, İlhan Doğan K. Rehman Hakeem et. al. (Eds.) Academic Press, Elsevier, 2015 ISBN: 978-0-12-79937-1 Our atmosphere, water resources, and soil are becoming increasingly contaminated with inorganic and organic compounds as a result of anthropogenic-driven inputs, mainly from industry, mining, motorized traffic, agriculture, logging, and military actions. Alleviation and prevention of environmental pollution can be achieved by the utilization of plants and their associated microbes. Recent advances in plant-microbe interactions research revealed that plants can shape their rhizosphere microbiome through the active secretion of substrates that are known to vary between plant species. Soil-borne microorganisms such as actinobacteria, algae, protozoa, and different types of bacteria having different capabilities of functional activities can vary extensively in soils and occur in associations in the rhizosphere of plants. Microbial associations are known to affect the mobility and availability of substances to the plant through the release of chelating agents, acidification, phosphate solubilization, and redox changes and exudates derived from the plant can help to stimulate the survival and action of these microorganisms. Broad knowledge about the mechanisms in plants for the uptake, translocation, storage, and detoxification of contaminants, and interactions between plants and microorganisms are crucial in developing technologies and better management practices for environmental cleanup. A comprehensive understanding of interactions between plants and rhizospheric microorganisms in the rhizosphere and plant-based processes will provide new opportunities to develop more efficient plants and better management practices for the removal of contaminants. This chapter reviews plant-microbe interactions in phytoremediation with particular reference to the microbial dynamics in the rhizosphere of plants growing on contaminated soils. |
![]() Çevirmen: Doç. Dr. Nagihan Gülsoy, Doç. Dr. Yıldız Aydın, Prof. Dr. Ahu Altınkut Uncuoğlu Yayınevi: Nobel Tip Kitabevi, İstanbul ISBN: 9786053350613 522 sayfa Baskı Sayısı: 4 |
Yapı Taşlarının Restorasyonu The aim of the book is to introduce the reasons for the destruction of the stones used in ancient works, the way they deteriorate and the modern restoration techniques to be applied. The effects of organisms such as fungi, blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria), algae (algae) and lichens that develop on the rock surface, on the formation of cavities, which are the most important form of biological degradation, are mentioned. |
ISBN: 978-953-51-1097-2
Editor: Marina Silva-Opps
2013 InTech
Chapter 14: Callose in Plant Sexual Reproduction
Meral Ünal, Filiz Vardar, Özlem Aytürk
Callose, which is a 1,3- β- glucan polymer with some 1,6 branches, is involved in diverse biological processes associated with plant development, and biotic and abiotic stress responses. Callose plays important role in the reproductive biology of angiosperms. It appears around microsporocytes and megasporocytes during meiosis. It can be suggested possible that callose is involved in some aspects of meiosis in higher plants. Furthermore, it is also involved in plasmodesmata regulation, and cell plate formation, in response to multiple biotic and abiotic stresses. Although remarkable progress has been performed, there are still some unexplained cases, such as the biochemical pathway of callose synthesis, functional components of callose synthase complex, and signal pathway of callose synthesis. The future perspectives in biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and molecular biology will help improve our knowledge
![]() Bölüm 1:Gelişim Anatomisi, Dr. Cenk Sesal, Çeviri Ed:Prof. Dr. Melike Erkan, Prof. Dr. Tülay İrez 2013, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti. ISBN: 978-975-420-954-9 Developmental Biology, 9th Edition, Scott F. Gilbert, Sinauer Associates, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-87893-384-6 |
ISBN: 978-605-355-148-5 In order for Ecotoxicology, which is a rapidly developing new branch of science in the world and in Turkey, to take the place it deserves in our country and to eliminate the lack of Turkish source books on this subject, the book "Basic Principles of Ecotoxicology" has been translated from English so that people can reach the right information and use it. This book consists of fourteen chapters for students studying in the fields of biology, chemistry, environmental health, environmental engineering, veterinary medicine, agriculture, fisheries and health sciences. The fact that the chapters in the book have been translated with the devoted work of valuable researchers from different universities and disciplines will greatly contribute to the development of this field of science. |
![]() Prof. Dr. Meral ÜNAL ISBN 975-400-349-9 Marmara Üniversitesi Yayınevi 2012 (1. Basım) Marmara Üniversitesi Yayınları 801 The Cell Biology book has been prepared as a textbook for students taking Biology Education. Efforts have been made to keep the subjects short and concise and to write them in a plain and understandable language so that they will be taught in a period. In this textbook, which will form the basis of many courses in the Biology Department program, structures and events have been tried to be made more understandable with figures. There were difficulties in finding Turkish equivalents of some terms and their originals in a foreign language were used. If this book can introduce students to the cell, which is the cornerstone of living things, and guides them to research, we will have achieved our goal. |
The book “Plant (Angiosperm) Embryology” has been prepared by taking into consideration the Plant Embryology course taught in the Biology Departments of universities. It is the only Turkish book published on this subject. It is aimed to be easy to understand by writing in a simple language and putting lots of drawings and photographs on the subject. It is hoped that those who do research on the subject will also benefit, as it includes both classical and recent developments. |
The book "Cell Biology Laboratory" has been prepared to be used in the laboratory studies of the Cell Biology (Cytology) course taught in the 2nd grade. Easy-to-find materials and easy-to-apply methods have been selected. Both classical and modern programs in which the student is active have been prepared and study questions are given at the end of each laboratory that the student can test himself. |
The Natural Plants of Şile book introduces the natural plant diversity of Şile, the third largest district of İstanbul. According to our current knowledge, about 800 natural flowering plants and ferns are grown in the district. Authors (N. and E. Özhatay), who have been researching the flora of Istanbul for more than 30 years, and nature photographer (A.Ö. Erdem), who has been photographing the flowers of Istanbul for 10 years, have a strong role in this book, whose aim is to introduce this richness and to raise awareness by explaining its importance to the readers. made the union. |
Nobel Yayın Dağıtım 1. Baskıdan Çeviri 2010 Daniel McLaughlin, Jonathan Stamford, David White |
The book "Plant (Angiosperm) Embryology Laboratory" was prepared in parallel with the content of the "plant embryology" course taught in the biology departments of universities. He took care to choose materials that are easy to find in the book and to prepare student-centered programs. In the program, the events and structures that occur in the sexual cycle of a flowering plant are examined. |
Biochemistry; can be integrated with medicine, agriculture, food, paint, petroleum, pharmacy and various branches of industry; It is an interdisciplinary branch of science that systematically tries to explain the distinctive features of life-related processes. Living things in nature are so flawless that it is impossible for technological developments to reach this perfection. The biochemical reactions operating in an organism find their way and place with an unfailing discipline. The systems that ensure this perfection in organisms need to be well known and learned. The book in your hand contains many tips and tricks about the science of biochemistry, which describes life in molecules. I hope this book will be a useful resource for all students studying Biology and Science... |
‘In the book titled "Chemical and Physical Environmental Conditions for Fungal (Fungal) Growth", the physiological properties of fungi and the conditions they show due to these properties are explained with examples. In addition, the fungi mentioned in the book are given in genus and species level and extensive literature information. |
This page updated by Biyoloji Bölümü on 29.03.2024 12:21:41